Supply Chain Working Hours Policy | ACER ESG

Supply Chain Working Hours Policy

Supply Chain Working Hours Policy

Supplier Working Hours Policy

Excessive working hours are one of the most common labor problems in the supply chain. Working too long can have a negative impact on the health and safety of employees, as well as on their work-life balance, productivity, and morale. As a member of the Responsible Business Alliance, Acer requires suppliers to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct and the Acer Supplier Working Hours Policy. Through supply chain working hours policies, we communicate and cooperate with our suppliers to reduce excessive working hours in the supply chain and improve the health and morale of workers. 

To ensure conformance with these supplier expectations

Professional Training

Conduct internal professional training for procurement staff to learn to identify and address root causes of excessive working hours such as the communication and understanding of production scheduling and implementing responsible planning and purchasing practices.

3rd party verified audits

Enforce these policy expectations and conformance to the RBA Code of Conduct through 3rd party verified audits and participation in the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP).

Living Wage

While addressing issues such as overtime and wages/benefits for staff, we believe that providing a living wage is important to improving the living conditions of those who work for us. As such, we continue to explore the issues and opportunities around introducing the concept of a living wage to the electronics industry.