Inspire Daily. Learn Always.

Reliable Customer Service

Our award-winning customer service and support is instrumental in helping teachers, students, schools and educational institutions prevent technical issues from disrupting the learning process. Acer also offers Educare - a comprehensive service portfolio that is specifically designed to meet the needs of the education market.

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The 21st century classroom requires more than just a set of devices, and Acer has built the extended ecosystem to provide innovative and comprehensive solutions to the Education community. Along with our ecosystem of partners, we invest in the future of education to provide a better tomorrow for the next generation.

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Dependable, Robust and Affordable products

We believe exploration through technology is a right, not a privilege. That is why we make affordable products that are reliable and robust, resulting in lower Total Cost of Ownership.

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Adaptive Solutions

Our end-to-end adaptive solutions address all the needs of the Education, including devices and products designed for Intenet-of-Things, Coding and Gamification, education-centred software solutions and after-sales service.

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Rugged Solutions for All Classrooms

Classrooms are a busy place, and Acer’s rugged devices are designed to keep both students and teachers focused on learning – and not trying to troubleshoot their device.

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At Acer we believe that the most valuable part of computing lies in its power to spread knowledge. We see it as our responsibility to provide today’s generation with the instruments they need to develop 21st century skills and succeed in the information age. Acer for Education offers an end-to-end adaptive learning experience comprising easy, reliable and affordable products, education-oriented software solutions and award-winning after-sales service.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Acer’s extensive line of products supports the learning process at every step, enabling the exploration of all subjects, in all situations and even beyond classroom walls – at home. Our hardware solutions feature tablets, 2-in-1 devices, notebooks, Chromebooks, desktops, monitors and projectors, all designed to support dynamic and interactive learning environments.

*The Windows 11 upgrade will be delivered to qualifying devices late 2021 into 2022. Timing varies by device. Certain features require specific hardware (see