The Home Entertainment Projector Family

The projector that turns your living room into a movie theater.

Home Entertainment Projector Line/Class AGW

A True Cinematic Experience

Feast on popcorn while your eyes feast on an up to 4K UHD display.

Home Entertainment Projector Line/Class AGW

Faithful Reproduction of Color

Color preservation is made possible with exclusive ColorBoost 3D, Rec. 709, and more.

Home Entertainment Projector Line/Class AGW

Football Mode

Big match coming up? Football Mode is optimized to make the next 90 minutes the most immersive and life-like as possible.

Home Entertainment Projector Line/Class AGW

Lightning-fast Refresh Rate

Stay in-the-action with up to 1080p 240Hz, delivering a hyper-smooth display every second.

Home Entertainment Projector Line/Class AGW

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